Ezybonds Support Portal Operational

To all ACM's 
Thank you for your patience and understanding in giving us the time to get the Support Desk up and operational.
We have been fielding questions from the existing active Ezyaccount holders  over the last two weeks and are making progress with the system.
The next step is to test the Support Desk out by increasing the Ezyaccount holders numbers when a new merchant comes on board.
Please go to support.ezybonds.com to see the self help portal. Type in a question to look for your own answer as all customers will for help.
Your feedback would be appreciated and can be sent to us by starting a "New Ticket" in the support portal.
We are developing separate help portals for ACM's and Certified Merchants to refer to for their specific inquiries. It was important to get  the main help portal up and running first.
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