The registration page has been updated when registering for an Ezyaccount under a referrer.
The referrer must provide the prospective new member with the Ezyaffiliate link for their Ezyaccount.
To do this, the referrer must use the email facility located within the affiliate link.
To locate this facility, click on the Ezyaffiliate link in your Ezyaccount (indicated below).
The Send Email tab allows you to draft and send emails which will automatically contain your referrer link.
The prospective member will then click on the Ezybonds link contained in this email and your (the referrers) Ezy ID
details will automatically populate into the required fields of the Registration form.
Another way people can register with you as the referrer is for you to send money to their email address.
When they sign up for an Ezyaccount using the link on this email to receive the funds, they join under your Ezyaffiliate ID.