The following steps are one-time actions when integrating the Ezybonds Payment Button on your website and are required so that the Ezybonds transaction server "knows" how to communicate with your website when processing transactions.
The remainder of the technical information, example scripts, badge/button code and the Notification Script test API is located in your Certified Merchants admin at If you are not a Certified Merchant you will not be able access this site. If you want further assistance in becoming a Certified Merchant you must have a corporate relationship with an Accredited Corporate Manager and Support would be happy to assist with the introduction if requested.
1. Login at
You will need the Username, Password and Security Code that you use to login to your Ezyaccount when viewing your balance, currencies, etc.
2. Once logged in you will start in the Ezyaccount view. You need to enter the Ezymerchants section by clicking on the Ezymerchants link as showing circled in red.
3. You will then see the PIN Codes and Notification URL links.
4.Click on PIN Codes
The block of PIN CODES that you choose will be sent to the email address that is linked to your Ezyaccount.
5.Click on Notification URL.
The URL to the Notification Script on your website and the URL to your homepage are entered here. (both are required)
The Logo URL is used to place your company or other logo at the top of the payment screen that your customers will see. (optional)