1. Ezymerchant enters the “payment product” into the Ezycart as a normal “product” with amount and description. This is what will appear on the invoice and is what initializes the “order” from which the invoice is generated.
2. CSV uploaded which creates the “customer” database. The “customer” list receives the invoice emailing. Any additions to the list after the fact are added and included in next emailing.
3. An invoice is created, an instance of which is emailed to each “customer” on the list per the date in item 4.
4. A recurring date is established.
5. The emailing occurs at the start date and each subsequent cycle.
6. The invoice contains payment information and displays an Ezybonds Payment Button.
7. Clicking the Ezybonds Payment Button in the invoice takes the recipient straight to the Ezybonds payment interface page.
8. Payment is attempted and updates the Ezycart database in spite of the success or failure of the payment via the Notification Script.
9. The cycle repeats.
10. If last payment failed and no payment is attempted by the next invoice date then that (or any other) past due amounts are included in the next invoice emailing.